Best Stock Future Tips|Nifty Option Tips|Stock Cash Intraday
SEBI Reg. No. INH000009834. INVESTMENT IN STOCK AND COMMODITY MARKET IS SUBJECT TO MARKET RISK. KINDLY NOTE Intensify Research Services Pvt.Ltd. DO NOT PROVIDE ANY PROFIT SHARING SERVICES, GUARANTEED SERVICE AND SERVICES WHICH ARE NOT MENTIONED IN OUR WEBSITE, IF ANY PERSON TRY TO SELL SUCH TYPE OF PRODUCT KINDLY CALL ON 0731-4287574. कृपया ध्यान दें! इन्टेंसिफाय रिसर्च ऐसी कोई सर्विस उपलब्ध नहीं कराती हैं जो हमारी वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध नहीं हैं जैसे -, गारंटी प्रॉफिट सर्विस, प्रॉफिट और लॉस शेयरिंग सर्विस ,पोर्टफोलियो मैनेजमेंट सर्विस अथवा डीमैट ट्रेडिंग सर्विस, यदि कोई व्यक्ति ऐसी कोई सर्विस आपको उपलब्ध करने का वादा करता हैं हैं तो आप हमें इस नंबर पर कॉल करे 0731-4287574 अथवा आप हमें ईमेल आईडी पर मेल करके इस बारे में जानकारी दे सकते है

Number of Client's Complaints


Data from the month end Dec 2024

# Received from Pending at the end of the month Received Resolved* Total Pending Pending complaints > 3 months Average Resolution time (in days)
1 Directly from Investors 0 1 0 1 Nil 15
2 Sebi Scores 0 0 0 0 Nil 15
3 Other Sources (If Any) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Grand Total 0 1 0 1 Nil Nil

Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month divided by total number of complaints resolved in the current month.

Monthly/Annual complaints

Let’s Check Our Services

Predictions do not create wealth but analysis does

Daily Opulent Trade

These services are specially design for those traders who want to stay invested for a short duration of time and want to earn small profit and trade securely with limited predefined risk.

Optimum Options

These services are specially design for those traders who are relatively inexperienced in the field of investment Those who want to secure/preserve their capital and trade securely in the market.

Index Option

These services are specially design for those traders who are relatively inexperienced in the field of investment Those who want to secure/preserve their capital and trade securely in the market.

The Bunny Midcap

The Market Capitalization is a Key Standard to analyze before the stock selection to do trade. The Traders who having Moderate Risk Appetite for them The Mid-Cap Companies is best suited. The Mid-Cap Companies have batter growth potential.

The Turtle Trade

This service basically designs for that trader who prefers to like positional trades instead of intraday trade. In this service our research team screening all Nifty-500 stock in daily basis and find the best stock that have potential to full-fill the client needs.

Option Strategy

The Market Capitalization is a Key Standard to analyze before the stock selection to do trade. The Traders who having Moderate Risk Appetite for them The All-Cap Companies is best suited. Those who want to secure/preserve their capital.

Mega Derivative

The Derivatives value is derived from an underlying asset value of Stock,Currency, Bonds and Commodity. This type of securities Introduce 20years ago in India. Since then Derivatives significantly traded in stock exchanges just like shares.

Index Option Power

The Market Capitalization is a Key Standard to analyze before the stock selection to do trade. Those who want to secure/preserve their capital and expected return from the market and trade securely in the market.

Intensify Strategies

There a so many Professional Psychologies exist in Capital Market about it's Fluctuations and Volatility, In order to become a SMART TRADER we also need to analyze the Arithmetic of Market Fluctuations.



Intensify Research Services Pvt.Ltd. is registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI Registration No. INH000009834). Intensify Research is an intensified research analyst for retail and high net worth investors. Our recommendations are based on a combination of extensive and in-depth fundamental and technical research of stocks.



We categorized our all product with three core views of research which is Technical levels based view, second only Analytical Charts/Signals based views and third one is combined effort of fundamental effects on technical resistance and support level. We integrated this unique techniques/View into some inbuilt software to get levels promptly and deliver smoothly.

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